MyFANUC Help - Favorite Lists

Favourite Lists

MyFANUC allows you to set up Favourite Lists where you can save your documents so you can find them later without having to search for them again. You can set up as many Favorite Lists as you like and they will appear on your front page whenever you log-in. Here are some pointers to help you set them up:

How do I set up a Favourite List?

Once you’ve found the documents you wish to save, click on the ‘cog’ icon to the left of the document list. You will see a menu offering three options - download, add to favourites or view document. Select Add to Favourites. In the Favourites List menu select ‘Create Favourite List’ and give it a name. Your selected document is now saved to the Favourite List you’ve just created. Now you can either continue your search or open the list.

Managing and finding listsn

Once you are in the Favourite Lists page you can add, rename or delete any of your lists. Whenever you return to your home page your latest Favourite List will be shown at the top under the welcome banner.

Your Latest Activities

To make re-accessing material even easier, MyFANUC tracks and lists your latest activities. Whenever you log in your latest activities will be shown on the right side of the screen. To return to an earlier activity just select and reopen the document.

Related Documents

New documents, addenda as well as main manuals, that are related to a document in your favorite list, can be displayed clicking on the appropriate "related documents"-link. Those changes are highlighted for 30 days based on their release date.
